There is currently an outdated version in the BlackArch repositories, to compile from the latest version source run the following commands: The program is pre-installed on BlackArch. Installation on Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu

We will not dwell on the installation of drivers and John – if you have questions about these steps, then refer to the first part. That is, the installation algorithm is as follows: Moreover, everything said in the first part about installing drivers also applies to Johnny. That is, in addition to installing Johnny, you also need to install John the Ripper. You should understand that Johnny is only a program window that, depending on the options you choose, runs a command with John the Ripper, reads the result, processes it and shows you in its window. Installing Johnny Johnny does not replace John the Ripper

It is impossible to view the status of the current session in interactive mode Some options are not implemented, for example, temperature control There is no way to add your own command line options Makes it easier to run brute-force for users not familiar with the command line Nevertheless, Johnny is quite a thoughtful and very functional program, which, in addition to the existing capabilities of John the Ripper, tries to simplify the work with sessions, generate a file hash for cracking a password, and so on.

That is, if you do not know how to use the program at all, then even the GUI may not help you. And, most importantly, not knowing the meaning of the options and not understanding the features of various attacks, an inexperienced user will still not be able to reveal even the potential provided in the GUI. In general, I do not really like graphical interfaces for powerful console utilities, since the GUI functionality is always less than the original program capabilities, flexibility is lost, some options in the graphical interface may not be implemented. Johnny, a graphical interface for John the Ripper, was created to address these issues. In addition, not all users, especially Windows users, feel confident about the command line. That is, using this program is not very easy. But this is not all – we have not even considered all the helper files, a separate part will be devoted to them, in the same way as separate parts will be devoted to John the Ripper's options and its configuration files.

In the previous parts, we have already learned about some of John the Ripper's features and options, as well as help files that generate hashes. 7.4 How to set the path to the John the Ripper executable file in Johnnyħ.7 How to choose an attack mode in Johnnyħ.8 How to brute-force a Wi-Fi password in Johnnyħ.8.1 Error “python: can't open file 'C:/Users/MiAl/Downloads/JtR/run/wpapcap2john.py': No such file or directory”Īdvantages and Disadvantages of a GUI for John the Ripper